• "Accelerated Christian Education is great, it is not rushed at all. The children go at their own PACE! That is why it's called PACE because you don't move ahead until the child firmly grasps the teaching concept."


  • "I went to a Christian school for grade(s) 3-8, which used the Accelerated Christian Education program. When I entered into public high school, I was miles ahead of the curriculum."

    Mike Johnson

  • "Wonderful. This will prepare your child for college work. My daughter went through all the PACE's and went into nursing school. Today she is a Registered Nurse earning a good living."

    -Greg Cummings

  • "While serving as a public school teacher for over ten years, I 'discovered' a Christian school using the Accelerated Christian Education program in our community. I was intrigued when I took my tour with the style of learning, mastery, character building, individual pace of advancement, individual student offices etc. It teaches the students to take responsibility for their learning, develop self-control, learn to set goals, both daily and quarterly, become proficient in reading, develop a strong work ethic and learning about life from a Christian worldview. We enrolled our two children in this school which they attended from K-12. They both went on to university and graduated with honours. Our son was accepted into medical school and is now serving as an emergency physician in western Canada. Interestingly, he is one of twelve graduates who are now practicing physicians, including a neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist, emergency and family doctors and a dentist. All but one attended this school for their entire schooling. In addition there are multiple engineers, lawyers, teachers, nurses, trades people, pastors and missionaries that have graduated from this school. Eventually I left the public school system, took a hefty pay cut and for many years served as a supervisor and principal. It's been a wonderful journey and I have no regrets."

    – Lou Brunelle